"Be A $100,000 Haircutter" Book

Product Reviews

"Be A $100,000 Haircutter" Book

Many want to know how to become a $100,000 Haircutter but just do not have the answers. World Renowned Barber and Guinness Book of Worlds Records holder Ivan Zoot has created a Book entitled “Be A $100,000 Haircutter” available in Paperback & Digital Download. The book teaches you how to get more clients, get more referrals, create more add on services and how to generate more revenue. There is no reason why you cannot raise your prices to reflect your value. Ivan Zoot has taken his many years of experience and provided you all the tips in this great book.

Available: http://clipperguysays.wixsite.com/clipperguy/product-page/be-a-100k-haircutter-the-book


Reviewed By: Barbershopconnect.com